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decree on land artinya

contoh kalimat "decree on land"
  • A number of food taxes (prodrazverstka, prodnalog, and others) were introduced in the early Soviet period despite the Decree on Land that immediately followed the October Revolution.
    Sejumlah pajak pangan (prodrazverstka, prodnalog, dan lain-lain) diperkenalkan pada periode Soviet awal disamping Dekrit Lahan yang berlaku setelah Revolusi Oktober.
  • The first was a Decree on Land, which declared that the landed estates of the aristocracy and the Orthodox Church should be nationalised and redistributed to peasants by local governments.
    Yang pertama adalah Dekret Lahan, yang menyatakan bahwa lahan aristokrat dan Gereja Ortodoks akan dinasionalisasi dan diredistribusikan kepada para petani oleh pemerintah setempat.